Home / Oceania / Hawaii 2024 6

- IMG 9824
The Gorn returns to the island of Kauai for the first time since 1998 and visits Barking Sands Beach in Polihale - one of the favorite sites from the previous trip - IMG 9841
Down from the rocks, the Gorn poses in the sand with the Napali coast starting point in the background - IMG 9842
Looking the opposite direction - towards the south of Barking Sands Beach - IMG 9843
The Gorn really enjoyed the Sheraton Kauai Resort in Poipu Beach. Josh stayed there back in the 1980s and it hasn't changed much! - IMG 9849
The Gorn watches the sunset at Ocean Point near Poipu Beach at the Sheraton Kauai Resort - IMG 9864
A rare shot of the backside of the Gorn as the last part of the sun disappears into the Pacific Ocean at Poipu Beach