Club Josh / Disney

New Doingworld

This update is late – but for a good reason. I present the first redesign of my Doingworld site since lord knows when. Hmm if I think about it, since November 18, 1997 when I added the California and Spain pages. It amazes me the traffic that portion of the site gets. It is one of the original Club Josh pages, so I figured why not spruce it up a tad.

A big hearty hello to Ian and Angela. Truly nice people who know Leo. They both work at Innoventions in Tomorrowland at Disneyland (Leo has since moved over to the animation exhibit at California Adventure – 12 days and counting!) and do their best in one of the worst attractions at Disneyland. It was nice chatting with them and playing in the Compaq cave (even though most the people left when Ian started to talk). It does bring up an important issue. If you take the time to talk to them, most of the cast members at Disneyland are really cool people. If you ever come across one who is “super cool”, be sure to mention them at City Hall. It means a lot to the cast members.