Earthquakes and Natural Disasters / Entertainment / Family

LA Livin’

It is really interesting living in LA. For instance, a minor earthquake in San Fernando gets “Live Team Coverage” yet a massive earthquake in India (m7.9) that kills over 10,000 people gets a few fleeting video shots as well as a report by someone at some charity collecting money. Can’t spend too much time on the story because there was this Super Bowl thingy.

This weekend was full of laziness and TV watching (that’s television – not transvestite). I did manage to make it to a housewarming party in West LA (Hi Steven and Wes) and I don’t think I came across as too much of a dork, which is always good. Saturday was meet the relatives at the Mall day. My cousin was down from SF, and my grandmother and aunt were there as well. We are quite the group out in public.

Sunday’s big event was of course Survivor 2: Electric Boogaloo. Nothing like good cheese on a Sunday. I think my biggest disappointment was the bizzaro starting time due to the Stupid Bowl lasting far too long. It’s a bit premature to judge whom to root for, but my initial gut reaction is to root for members of the Okagor tribe.

On a more somber note, Sunday was the 15th Anniversary of the Shuttle Challenger accident. Francis, Mike, Judith, Ron, Ellison, Greg, and Christa – we’ll always remember you. It was one of those moments you always can remember where you were. I was in PE Class playing basketball when the principal came over the PA system with the announcement. Upon reaching my next class, the teacher had the radio on to the news. After school, I rushed home to watch CNN and for the first time saw what had happened. Thinking back, I remembered one of my 7th grade teachers had applied for the program and began thinking about what if it was he. I really think this was the first disaster that made me fascinated with the media hoopla and human reaction that accompany them. Which brings us full circle with the coverage of the India quake and how LA media sucks when it comes to international news.