Yesterday at Disneyland was fun. There is no better thrill than riding the Matterhorn in a driving rainstorm. It adds an extra dimension to the ride to see the rain falling in the floodlights. There is also the thrill of “Is this bobsled going to fly off of the mountain or not?” I was a bit disappointed that they ended up closing the park an hour earlier. It was probably due to the small crowds. In the three hours we were there, we rode most of the E ticket rides by just walking on them – no lines at all. Of course, if we had the upgraded passports (hint, hint) we could have boosted attendance numbers at the new park.
The rest of the weekend was spent unmotivated and inside. The streets of LA were once again transformed into mini-rivers and there was just no motivation to go anywhere. I did manage to make it to Sit and Sleep to buy my first bed (if you don’t count the futon). It was actually painless compared to the aborted attempt a few years back at Monkey Wards. I just hope the darned thing shows up on time. The bed is a Eastern King Malibu Plush. You know how difficult it is to buy Eastern King sheets in California? Very.
On Saturday, we tried to find a movie to go see with Cory, but it turns out there was nothing good showing at all. I can’t wait until next month when some of the cool movies start to come out (I hope).