Take two.
I’m having to recreate this entry from scratch since due to a lovely user error, the entry did not get saved. And it was an awesome one too. Here goes:
I’ve been busy celebrating Daniel and David’s birthday and getting ready for Alex’s wedding. So much so, that I haven’t had much time for updates. Also, Memorial Day signals the start of the summer season at the park and there have been some mondo crowds. The upside is that I am getting some good hours. There is also some rumblings that things might be a changing, and there is a chance that those changes will help my career at the park .
Last Friday was the big celebration for Daniel’s 26th birthday at my house. I had a feeling in my bones that things were going to happen at the party, and boy was I not disappointed. What do I have to show for it? A lovely red stain on the carpet from either a Wine Cooler or a mini bottle of wine. I know, you are asking yourself, “Josh, where were you, why didn’t you stop it from happening?” Truth be told, I was feeling the effects of some home brewed Jungle Juice that was made from a recipe off of Webtender.com. Daniel and I modified the Eben’s Magic Juice recipe from Orange to Grape. It tasted like Dimetapp, but after a couple of Smirnoff Ices, it tasted just fine. As a direct result of the stain, I am pretty sure that all future parties will only feature colorless beverages. It did remind me of the time Susie and Matt threw Oreos and Candy Corn at the wall in my Davis apartment at several gatherings to get those items banned.
Needless to say, I had my first encounter with the porcelain god. It was a rather bizarre experience. I certainly didn’t feel like I was drunk or out of control. I remember blabbing to some of my guests about this or that. I remember being tired and putting my head down on the floor. And for some reason, the floor started to push back on me. Next thing I know, I tell my friend Alex that I don’t feel so good. Good thing too, cuz the next thing I know, I am doing a good Bill Cosby impersonation over the toilet. At least I didn’t comfort myself on the side of the bowl, but I admit I was glad I had cleaned the toilet earlier in the day. After that, I don’t really remember much just that somehow I went to bed, and that some other people were crashing on the futon.
The next day, I awoke in a haze and discovered that Tiffany and Alex were all that was left of the group. Daniel joined us early on in the day, and Tiffany discovered that someone had broken into her car with an open window and took her purse and stereo. She was comforted by, as she puts it, a fine police officer. To get her mind off of it and on a whim, we headed up to Hollywood to the Hollywood Wax Museum and the nearby Guinness Book of Records Museum. The best part was the chamber of terror in the Wax Museum were we all clung together to get through it. Personally, I thought the regular ones were creepy enough – and waay to realistic for my liking. After the museums, we looked for the Cramatorium (where they put the Cram contestants during their study sessions) and then headed over to the Hustler store and Amoeba Records.
The rest of the week has been pretty low key. I did pick up my tuxedo and wedding gift for Alex’s wedding. Susie is supposed to be my date, but she is waffling at the last minute (If you are reading this Susie, think of poor me forced to drive all by myself **sniff, sniff**). I am looking forward to going up to the Bay Area. Too bad Matt is going to be going to San Diego, I’d have liked to swing through Davis and Sacramento to visit, but it looks like I’ll be heading back home.
Oh and one more thing. The USGS is having their semi-every-couple-of-years Open House in Menlo Park. It is one of the coolest things to go visit. Kind of like the Exploratorium on crack. It is also where I picked up my coffee mug with the seismograph reading of the Good Friday Quake in Alaska. If you are in the area this weekend, it is worth the trip!