The last week has been full of June gloom. Every now and then we get a bit of sunshine, but for the most part it has been overcast and drizzly. I have never lived near the beach so this is going to take some getting used to. It reminds me of the winters up in Davis when I’d go weeks without seeing the sun. It is nice at work tho because people are much nicer and more willing to follow the rules when its not hot. Over the weekend at Matterhorn, I had never seen so many people try and get out of the bobsleds at the wrong point. Ah yes, and let’s not forget the lady with the party of 8 wheelchairs who all wanted to ride at the same time.
In the midst of the gloom, there is some percolations of good news brewing at The Many Adventures. Good things will be happening there soon – stay tuned!
My attempt to recreate last years Disney trip with Granny, Jerri, Dianne, and Amanda has fizzled. Not sure how it all fell apart, but I think part of the reason is that last weekend Granny moved all her boxes o’ cookbooks from storage to the shop (ok, Ryan and Timothy did most of the labor). Instead, I think Jerri and Granny are coming down tomorrow for a South Coast outing.
My deadline is two weeks from this Saturday. Jinkies, I have a lot of work to do!