As I have mentioned many times in the last few weeks I was very excited to get a new digicam. Lately, I have been unhappy with the photos being produced by my old Olympus D400 Zoom from 1999. I think the first set of pictures I was really disappointed with were my Europe pictures from last November. Back then, I had chalked it up to the overcast conditions. When the opportunity came up to get a new camera, I jumped at the chance. I decided on the Canon S400 for several reasons: 1) It was relatively inexpensive for the level of features and quality of the images; 2) Several Digicam review sites had high opinions on the camera; 3) The Canon G5 – a higher resolution camera with a bigger body has a purple fringe defect; and 4) I was amazed by the prints that Daniel’s Canon S230 (a 3.2 MP camera) produced at the kiosk at Wal Mart.
Despite all of this, I was still suspect of whether or not the camera was that much better than my old one. When I went to Monument Valley last week, I took along all both digital cameras and also my camera from my Motorola T720 cell phone. These pictures are all of the Mittens from the visitors center overlooking the valley. The following pictures have all been scaled down in Photoshop from the original sizes to match the cell phone which has the lowest resolution – thats it- no color correction or brightness adjustment:
Motorola T720 Cell Phone Camera Attachment
Olympus D-400 Zoom
Canon Powershot S400
As you can see from the evidence, the Canon wins hands down.