Disney / Entertainment / Friends

TiVo is only as smart as you are

Major bad TiVo experience last night. Daniel came over to watch Survivor only to discover that the cable had gone out or got messed up changing the channels. The result? An hour of a blank screen instead of the latest episode. Dang it! And then, the discovery that the episode of 24 I TiVo’ed for him on Tuesday was actually an encore of the first episode and not the new second episode. Man, it made me feel like a dork. Just goes to show you that nothing is certain — no matter how hard you try. The evening was salvaged by an episode of CSI. (Which helped me discover the Cable was goofy – I turned it on and nothing was on the TV. By changing a few channels, the cable finally came to its senses.)

I must reiterate the fact that I hate cable boxes. It seems to me that in this day and age we should be able to do without them and plug the cable directly into the TV – which should have a built in multiple cable box so that it can be compatible with all the cable systems in the US (oh yeah why aren’t they standard either? No wonder Europe is so far ahead on these things.)

So Daniel if you are reading this I’m sorry for having TV night messed up.

In work news, I am excited to finally be training new hires at the park tomorrow. So far every time I had been scheduled for new hires, the training got canceled. I haven’t received a call from scheduling yet **fingers crossed**.