Friends / Travel

Mobile Bound

I have never been to the Deep South save for a few trips to Walt Disney World. That will all change in November as I attend Mark and Jen’s wedding in beautiful Mobile, Alabama the week before Thanksgiving. I guess it will be sort of a mini vacation for me since it will be the only travel I will get to do for the rest of the year save for the occasional trip to Arizona to see the relatives.

Being the Geography nerd that I am, one of the things I want to do is drive to Mississippi a mere 40 minute drive away. This will give me 28 US states visited and that much closer to the elusive 50 goal. If I was really bored or had an extra day, I might try and drive to Georgia. Given that it is at least 100 miles to the nearest border, I will just wait for a chance to visit properly at some other time. I had toyed with flying into Atlanta and then to Mobile – just to visit the state, but it was way cheaper to go via Dallas.

Mark was one of the last holdouts of my friends to get married. I am sure he will have kids at some point as well to join the ranks of my friends with kids. Now it is between me and Holmberg to see who gets hitched first. I think it is even odds for both of us.