I kept heading out to the parking lot of my complex tonight hoping to see the last total lunar eclipse until 2010. Sadly, mother nature had other ideas and the sky was mostly cloudy. I did get a brief glimpse of the moon just before it went total, but then I started to get cold and went inside. Oh well. Some random neighbor of mine asked me if I was looking for the eclipse, to which I replied, “Yeah, but the clouds are not cooperating”. What I really wanted to say was, “No, I am trying to see if I can see bits of expensive military satellite are about to collide with our complex”, but alas I felt like a big enough dork as it was.
Tomorrow FedEx is delivering my first new computer in over seven years. Woo Hoo! I have begun backing up my files onto DVDs. I still don’t know how I am going to handle all the mp3s and DVD video files I have stored on the second drive in my machine. I was toying of the idea of putting it back into the external enclosure I bought for it back in 2004 (for the old laptop), but I will probably just try and transfer it over the network.
It is not like I can just abandon my PC just yet. Until I get a copy of Adobe CS so I can use Photoshop and Dreamweaver, I will be limited on the web design work I can do. I will stick to the laptop for the time being to help with the little things I need to get done. I am excited about trying to rip some of the Charo archive footage I have on DVDs from David. Also, I can get Roxio Toast so I can convert some of the old TiVo recordings I have to DVDs as well.
What did I get? Just this little jewel: