Really. It does. It is the first piece of software on my Mac that I really do not like. It is a pain to use and is not very user friendly. I did some research online and discovered that most people prefer iMovie HD to iMovie 08, and as a bonus Apple has it as a free download to those who have iLife 08. Yay for having a new Mac.
Immediately after downloading iMovie HD, I begin doing what I was trying to do with Dome to Dome. Surprisingly, the video tape is in good condition so it was able to transfer with only some minor hiccups here and there. I have dived into creating the opening credits for the movie, and then after that I will start going through the editing process. Ten minutes of driving around Grand Forks AFB with a kid in the backseat crying about going to bowling? Yeah, there is a lot of work to do. At least there is a great interview with my friends Trevor and Claudia when I went to visit them in Madison to see if I could be a Badger.
My goals are to create some good YouTube episodes (maybe a Club Josh Travels channel? or perhaps a Dome to Dome Channel?) as well as a nice formal DVD to go alongside Dome to Dome Twice and Covina Chaos!