2012 has been a real pain so far. I have been unbelievably busy at work and really haven’t had any time to move the site over to the new server. So here it sits rotting away.
Other than work, Daniel and I managed to do a day trip to the central coast of CA and I finally went on the section of Pacific Coast Highway that goes near Vandenberg AFB and Lompoc so now I can say I have driven Highway 1 all the way to Eureka! It was a great day out and we originally planned to spend the night near San Luis Obispo and Morro Bay, but in the end we decided to save the $100 and just drive home.
The other big event was the Doctor Who Convention last weekend. It was our Fourth time going to this particular convention and one of my favorites since I had some friends going it made us feel more like we knew what we were doing. I also managed to get autographs this time, unlike last year when we were shut out of getting one from Peter Davison. I was certainly glad I had the day after off of work since I was fighting a chest cold all weekend – so much so that I am still sneezing up copious amounts of lung butter.
Looking ahead, big decisions await as my lease is up on my CR-V and I haven’t decided if I am going to take Honda’s generous lease offer on a 2012 one or if I will finally decide to go hybrid and get a Prius. I like driving Daniel’s Prius a lot, but the people at Toyota dealers can be such a pain.
I have lots of Gorn photos and photos to upload to Flickr when I get the chance, but I really need to get the site moved over first. Need to make it a priority and just do it!!