Earthquakes and Natural Disasters

Progress Toward a Safer Future

The USGS has put out a Fact Sheet on progress made since the 1989 Loma Prieta Quake. To me it seems like yesterday, but it is really amazing how much technology has changed in 25 years and how instant Quake notifications and reports are now routine and commonplace.

From the synopsis:
The 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake interrupted several decades of seismic tranquility in the San Francisco Bay Area. It caused damage throughout the region and was a wakeup call to prepare for potentially even more damaging future quakes. Since 1989, the work of the U.S. Geological Survey and many other organizations has improved the understanding of the seismic threat in the Bay Area, promoted awareness of earthquake hazards, and contributed to more effective strategies to reduce earthquake losses. These collective efforts will help reduce the impact of future large earthquakes in the Bay Area.

Check out the publication

This is part 3 of Earthquake Week at Club Josh for the 25th Anniversary of the Loma Prieta Quake on 10/17/1989.