I can’t believe that it has been 10 years since the 50th Anniversary celebration kicked off at Disneyland. It was such a monumental experience in my career that it seems surreal that so much time has passed. I remember the 5 months prior being such a hectic time as we got the park ready to welcome millions of people to visit. I also remember when I first started I was like – Oh! I hope I make it to the 50th, it is so far away. Even more amazing is that I had only been at the park for 4 years when it started.
So much more has happened since then as well! I’ve been really fortunate and happy that so many opportunities have been available to me and that I have done my best to achieve my goals.
This month, the Resort gets ready to celebrate the 60th Anniversary of the original Magic Kingdom, the only place that Walt Disney enjoyed himself. I still get teary eyed when I look at the lamp in the window and what it symbolizes. Just today I was walking through the park and was thinking what would Walt think of how his park looks today. Buildings still looking better than ever, and all those trees he planted or saved back in 1955 have all grown up and in some cases removed, and their replacements or replacements replacement have grown up to create the lush park that we all enjoy so much.
I have never been more proud to work at Disneyland and am extremely grateful to have been given the opportunity to add to Walt’s Legacy and in some small way to the enjoyment of Guests from all over the world.
Back in 2005, I had a dream to do something that a friend of mine was doing that year. I received lots of advice about how to achieve my dream and worked hard through many high highs and many shall we say learning experiences. As we get ready to dazzle Guests with the 60th, I am proud to say that my dream is coming true very, very soon. I will be doing something amazing and I thank everyone who has helped in whatever way they did to get me to this point.
Oh, and it’s Cinco de Mayo! Let’s raise a glass and salute the future which begins in a few short weeks….