Club Josh / Travel

30 Days to the 25th Anniversary

It’s getting down to the wire as my deadline to refresh the site and add more content before the 25th anniversary in June. Today I finally published my Japan 2017 Travel Diary which was amazing since I hardly had any notes from that trip and didn’t think I would ever publish one. I wasn’t sure what happened, but I think I must have been procrastinating about something to make me veer off course and write it down.

Part of my inspiration was cleaning out the Trip Diary WordPress installation. Like I did for the last couple of weeks with the main Daily Update, I went through and reformatted the entries to try and make them more universal with spacing and re-read a few to see if there were any glaring typos. I am sure I still have some or at least some grammar nightmares around, but they are actually looking better than ever.

For the Japan 2017 diary, I relied on my photos and some quick day highlights to serve as the foundation. Honestly, I think I remembered most of it but there are a few things I can’t remember what day they happened. Leslie and Daniel also have sketchy memories of the details of the trip, so I am actually glad I wracked my brains to commit to writing before its gone forever. I also discovered locked away on my phone – a mostly written Caribbean Cruise 2017 Trip Diary that I must have done during the trip. It falls apart over the last two days, but honestly I think I can recreate most of it.

Also with good notes is a trip I am now referring to as Asia 2015 which is when Daniel came to visit me in Shanghai and we went to Tokyo and Hong Kong. Again, I have brief notes on my phone from the trip which really help out a lot. I am hoping to get both Asian and the Caribbean Diaries up before the weekend.

One thing I tried out for the Japan 2017 diary was adding a photo for each day. Just something to break up the endless text scrolling. When I get my new template purchased and configured, I will work on adding some more.