My trusty JVC VCR from 1992 has gone on the fritz again, and instead of repairing it, I think it is time to invest in a new one. Most SVHS VCR’s can be bought for less than 300 bucks. A…
My trusty JVC VCR from 1992 has gone on the fritz again, and instead of repairing it, I think it is time to invest in a new one. Most SVHS VCR’s can be bought for less than 300 bucks. A…
It appears that NIMA (National Imagery and Mapping Agency) has found traces of the long lost Mars Polar Lander. How would you like the job of trying to persuade people that three pixels is a lost spacecraft? I wouldn’t mind…
So today is the vernal equinox. Despite what some people claim, today is not the only day to balance an egg. In other news – did you know that there is a FAA-certified space launching facility on Kodiak Island in…
Yesterday I went to Spring Internet World 2001. It certainly was a let down from last year. At this time last year, the stock market was at an all-time high and dot coms were springing up all over the place.…
I have completed a first crack at a newly redesigned Gorn page. I am not 100% satisfied with it, and will probably tweak it a bit more in the coming days. If (and that’s a big if folks) it goes…
So Saturday Roger notices that our lovely Earthlink DSL isn’t working. We have had spotty problems since it was first installed last October, but overall have been satisfied with the service. After a full day of no DSL, I finally…
For the first time in weeks, we have enough juice to keep the power on in California. Not that anyone really noticed. Despite all the talks and the news reports of conservation and cutting back, life didn’t really get affected…
Andy has the eyemodule digital camera for his Visor Prism that allows you to capture pictures. Pretty decent quality if you take into consideration it is all generated from a handheld. Examples: Oszie and Josh My Xterra The more I…
The Club Josh Guestbook finally works. This has been a major pain since I have had my website. It seems that for no reason whatsoever (or as in the last case, the upgrade of software/hardware) my guestbook gets lost. It…