Holy Smokes!! Since August 8th, traffic is up almost by a factor of 10. I noticed that my position has improved to #4 on google (when searching for Charo). The funny thing is that the cached version on google is…
Holy Smokes!! Since August 8th, traffic is up almost by a factor of 10. I noticed that my position has improved to #4 on google (when searching for Charo). The funny thing is that the cached version on google is…
Well the job listing on the Disneyland job line turned out to be a hoax. However all is not lost. I managed to get a direct number to the casting office so I can harass the lady who works there…
Photos are up for my trip to Chicago. Another go-’round with my career counselor. I’m making progress, and it is interesting how some random test can peg you without you even trying to get pegged. I guess all I really…
I just returned from Chicago and Phoenix. My grandmother is doing fine, although she’s getting a Dick Cheney autographed defibrillator/pacemaker to keep her modified ticker working. While away, I played “dodge the severe weather”. The day before I arrived in…
Well I am done with my class and am even more prepared to head out on that job search. I also have filed for unemployment – woo hoo! A whopping $230 a week is coming my way, assuming I meet…
For the last two days, I have been attending career transition classes courtesy of my former employer. It’s actually been quite productive and it is interesting to see other people in the same boat but different circumstances. It further convinces…
Spent a nice day yesterday driving up to Santa Barbara and visiting with Chaos. The weather was absolutely perfect. We spent time watching Atlantis and having dinner at an Italian restaurant on state street. (Susie did you ever put away…
I am so very mad right now at Rite Aid. The very one that is across the street from where there was a standoff yesterday with some guy from San Diego is where I took my beloved underwater photos from…
I have managed to add descriptions to Chapters 4 and 6 of the French Polynesia Trip Diary pictures. Only Chapter 5 remains. I am going to get around to doing it soon. Really. Its been just plain miserable in LA…
Trip Diaries and Pictures for our trip to French Polynesia are posted. I still need to finish the descriptions for Chapters 4-6. I was having some problems with my zip drive transferring the files between my desktop and laptop, but…