- gornandbus
The Gorn takes a tour of Bath, Stonehenge, and Salisbury - gornbath
The Gorn at the Ancient Roman baths - gornbathoverview
Overview of the city of Bath - gornbathmodel
A scale model of the ancient baths with a Gorn for scale - gornheadstone
The Gorn adorns most ancient Roman headstones quite nicely - gornlyne
Our tour guide Lynn made me promise that she would never see this photo - shh don't tell her! - gornprime
The Gorn straddles the Eastern and Western Hemispheres at the Prime Meridian (O degrees Longitude) Greenwich, England - gornsalisburycath
The Gorn stops and admires the Salisbury Cathedral - gornstone
The Gorn at Stonehenge - groupbath
World Travelers at the Baths - Josh, Mom, Gary, and Wesley - groupstonehenge
World Travelers at Stonehenge - momngorn
Mom and the Gorn outside of the Hard Rock Cafe in London - Pb060034
The Gorn and the front of Westminster Abbey - Pb060046
Josh and the Gorn at the London Eye - Pb060031
The Gorn stops on a cone to view Big Ben in London, England on a rainy day