- gorncactus
Stuck in a Saguaro Cactus in Arizona - gorngoldfield
The Gorn visits the Ghost Town of Goldfield, Arizona - P5270001
This sign welcomes you to the Grand Canyon - be sure to get there early, the wait from this point is a good 15 minutes - P5270003
The Gorn at the Canyon near the Lookout Studio - P5270006
Josh, Roger, and the Gorn at the Grand Canyon - P5270009
The Gorn looks out over the Canyon near the Kolb Studio - P5270016
Josh and the Gorn at Mather Point (notice nice Club Josh T-Shirt) - P5270029
The Gorn dangerously near the edge at Yaki Point - 100 0021
Entrance to the Four Corners Monument - 100 0008
Closeup of the Gorn with the actual monument - 100 0069
Welcome to San Juan County, Utah - 100 0073
Josh and the Gorn at the Utah/Arizona border - 100 0077
howing off the new camera with a closeup of the Gorn with the Arizona border sign in the background - 100 0080
The Gorn visits Monument Valley - 100 0081
The Gorn with the West Mitten Butte