- 5gorndevilstower
Josh and the Gorn at Devil's Tower National Monument in Wyoming - 8gorn45degrees
The Gorn halfway between the North Pole and the Equator in Yellowstone NP - 9gornmammothhotspr
Mammoth Hot Springs, Yellowstone NP - 9gornminerva
Joe and the Gorn at Minerva Hot Springs, Yellowstone NP - gorn45degrees closeup
Closeup of the sign in the previous image - gornsteamboat
Wendy and the Gorn at Steamboat Geyser, Yellowstone NP - gornnorris
The Gorn at the Norris Geyser Basin, Yellowstone NP - IMG 2036
The Gorn heads out to Grand Teton National Park from Salt Lake City, but first has to cross into Wyoming. - IMG 2044
The Gorn in downtown Afton, Wyoming with the world's largest arch made of elk antlers - IMG 2047
The Gorn enters Grand Teton National Park - IMG 2106
The Gorn at the Top of Signal Mountain looking over the landscape of Grand Teton National Park - IMG 2107
The Gorn at the Top of Signal Mountain looking over the landscape of Grand Teton National Park- this time a little bit more to the North - IMG 2108
The Gorn at the Top of Signal Mountain looking over the landscape of Grand Teton National Park - IMG 2110
The Gorn at the Top of Signal Mountain looking over the landscape of Grand Teton National Park - this time towards the mountains - IMG 2125
The Gorn stops at Colter Bay Village and looks out at the marina on Jackson Lake