Home / Tag california 327

- gornmono
The Gorn poses with Mono Lake in the background - gornbristlecone
Visiting the ancient Bristlecone Pine Forest in the White Mountains of California - gornsnow
Buried in the snow at the White Mountains of California - gornsquirrel
Getting close with the locals - 1arena
The Gorn visits Vasquez Rocks site where they filmed the Original Star Trek episode "Arena" featuring the Gorn - 2torch
Runner #70, Josh, and the Gorn with the 1996 Olympic Torch on its way to Atlanta - 1joshgornuni
Josh and the Gorn at the entrance to Universal Studios Hollywood - 3herc xena gorn
- 2gorn tigger
The Gorn and Tigger look out at the San Fernando Valley from Universal - 4agorndonner
The Gorn and Joe Cooper pose at Donner Summit with Donner Lake in the background - gorncastledl
Josh and the Gorn Pose at Sleeping Beauty's Castle at Disneyland - gornfrontier
The Gorn overlooks Frontierland with the Mark Twain and Big Thunder Mountain in the background - gornmatterhorn
The Gorn overlooks the Matterhorn. (OK, its the one at Disneyland..) - gornmickey
Pop Art meets Pop Art as Mickey Mouse holds the Gorn - gorndodger
The Gorn with an usher at Dodger Stadium in Los Angeles