- Pb060062
Taking a gander at the Tower Bridge near the Tower of London - Pb070003
Josh and the Gorn pause in Russell Park on the way to the British Museum - Pb070011
If you ever need to understand Hieroglyphics, just ask the Gorn he visited the Rosetta Stone - Pb070015
The Gorn poses by the Tomb of Athena at the British Museum - Pb070017
Josh and the Gorn with the Elgin Marbles from the Parthenon - Pb070030
The Gorn takes a look at the Nigerian Brass sculpture at the British Museum - Pb070032
Josh and the Gorn stop by and take a look at Big Ben and Parliament - Pb080004
Josh and the Gorn with the Barber Stone in Avebury, England - Pb080014
The Gorn gets a closer look at one of the stones at the Avebury Stone Circle - Pb080027
Moving on to bigger stones, Josh and the Gorn pay a visit to Stonehenge - Pb080046
Josh and the Gorn at the Ruins of Old Sarum - the first site of Salisbury - Pb080055
The Gorn with a portion of the wall from the original fortress - Pb080057
Josh and the Gorn overlook Saisbury from Old Sarum - Pb080074
Josh and the Gorn outside the Salisbury Cathedral - Pb090016
The Gorn takes a closer look at Buckingham Palace