- 100 0096
Elephant Butte - 100 0004
The Gorn poses with the largest kokopelli in the world in Cape Verde, Arizona - 100 0099
The Three Sisters - 101 0103
John Ford's point - yep named after the director - 101 0104
The Gorn gets ready to attack unsuspecting tourists - 100 0014
The Gorn at Four Corners - where Utah, Colorado, Arizona, and New Mexico come together - 101 0115
The Gorn with the Totems - 101 0117
Admiring the view from Artist's Point - 101 0119
Lookout over Monument Valley from Artist's Point - 101 0121
Another Closeup of the Gorn - 101 0123
Even Closer - gosh, I love my new camera! - 101 0127
My favorite Gorn Shot - Overlooking Monument Valley from the Window - 101 0131
The Gorn with the Thumb - 101 0136
Down the Road, looking over Tsegi Canyon near Navajo National Monument - 101 0143
Closeup of the village through the telescope