- IMG 5929
The Gorn tries to get a photo with the Golden Gate Bridge, but the fog had other plans. I would say in the many times I have been to SF, I have only been able to get this shot clear twice. - IMG 5946
One of the many signs on the Golden Gate bridge trying to convince people that there are options to jumping off it. - IMG 5995
On the Golden Gate Bridge, admiring the sign for Marin County at the San Francisco/Marin County Line - IMG 6008
The Gorn says hi to the Yoda statue outside of the Lucasfilm headquarters at the Presidio in San Francisco - IMG 6014
On the way to a Giants game, the Gorn poses with the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge (Suspension span) - IMG 6042
The Gorn gets ready to leave after a fun game at AT&T Park, home to the San Francisco Giants - IMG 6046
After deciding it had had enough city life, the Gorn heads north to Point Reyes via Highway 1. Here he stops at the Muir Beach overlook and gazes north towards Point Reyes. - IMG 6048
Doing the signage pose in Point Reyes at the Bear Valley Visitor Center - IMG 6051
Along the Earthquake train in Point Reyes, the fence in the photo was offset 20 feet in 90 seconds during the 1906 San Francisco Quake. - IMG 6089
The Gorn poses with the building used as the schoolhouse in the Alfred Hitchcock classic, "The Birds"