- 2gorncenterna
The Gorn at the Geographic Center of North America located in Rugby, North Dakota - 3gornsd
Josh and the Gorn at the North Dakota/South Dakota border off of US 88 - 5gorndevilstower
Josh and the Gorn at Devil's Tower National Monument in Wyoming - 4gorntp
Josh and the Gorn in Twin Peaks aka North Bend, WA - 2gorncraterlake2
The Cast of Dome to Dome Twice - John, Josh, Joe with Gorn, and Wendy at Crater Lake National Park - 5gornsnofalls
Josh and the Gorn at the base of Snoqualime Falls, WA - 2torch
Runner #70, Josh, and the Gorn with the 1996 Olympic Torch on its way to Atlanta - 1joshgornuni
Josh and the Gorn at the entrance to Universal Studios Hollywood - 4gorn reno
The Gorn visits the Biggest Little City in the World: Reno, Nevada - gorncastledl
Josh and the Gorn Pose at Sleeping Beauty's Castle at Disneyland - gornredwood2
Roger, Josh and the Gorn at the entrance to the Avenue of the Giants - gornredwood3
Josh and the Gorn at the Chandelier Tree in the Drive-Thru-Tree-Park Leggett, CA - P2260015
Josh (looking cold) and the Gorn at the oldest House in the USA in Santa Fe, NM - P2260013
Chris, Josh, and the Gorn outside the National Atomic Museum - P5280018
Josh and the Gorn at the Neptune Pool