- 2gorncenterna
The Gorn at the Geographic Center of North America located in Rugby, North Dakota - 3gornsd
Josh and the Gorn at the North Dakota/South Dakota border off of US 88 - 4gorncenterus
The Gorn at the Geographical Center of the United States, South Dakota - 5gorndevilstower
Josh and the Gorn at Devil's Tower National Monument in Wyoming - 7gornlewisclark
The Gorn at the spot where Lewis and Clark first crossed the Missouri River in South Dakota. This is at the Chamberlain Rest Stop off of I-90. - 8gorn45degrees
The Gorn halfway between the North Pole and the Equator in Yellowstone NP - gorn45degrees closeup
Closeup of the sign in the previous image - 4gorn reno
The Gorn visits the Biggest Little City in the World: Reno, Nevada - gorncabazon
The Gorn meets the famous reptiles along Interstate 10 near Cabazon, CA. These dinos were featured in many movies over the years including "Pee Wee's Big Adventure" - 100 0008
Closeup of the Gorn with the actual monument - IMG 4040
One of the brass markers that are in the ground near the famous sites - IMG 4060
Nearby is the Bunker Hill Monument - site of one of the first battles of the Revolutionary War - IMG 4073
Hey there is a rock on the beach surrounded by this big monument what is it? - IMG 4087
The Memorial to the first victims who died from the Mayflower colony - Lots of remains below.. - IMG 4089
Statue of Massasoit - the Wampanoag leader who befriended the Pilgrims