About Josh
Josh Catalfo was born and raised in California and has produced Club Josh since 1995. He attended UC Davis where he received his BA in Physical Geography. A thirst to learn more about the cultures and the people of the world, has sent Josh around the world with his Gorn action figure taking photos.
Josh has been a cartographer, surveyor, web designer, site developer, project manager, ride operator, and guest service manager. He has many hobbies and passions including photography, movies, popular culture, hazards geography, and cars. Josh basically tries to keep up with the goings on in the world, especially when there is a natural disaster.
Mr. Catalfo currently is driving a 2018 Subaru Crosstrek and hopes to once again get a BMW Z3 in the future.
Josh has been featured in the following publications:
The Albuquerque Journal’s AlbuQuirky News
The Las Vegas Sun (Jan. 8, 1998, “Boldly going… and going… and going…”)
Animation World Magazine (Issue 2.8, Nov 1997, “The Life Cycle of DVD”)
Josh has written for the following web sites:
Ahwatukee Life
Josh has received several awards from the following organizations:
Sacramento Bee
UC Davis
Disneyland Resort
Themed Entertainment Association(TEA)
The Story of Club Josh
I started Club Josh the web site back in 1995, quite simply, because I was egged on by people at work and I really wanted to have my own page on the then brand-new world wide web. It was really taking off, despite the fact that most people had just a 14.4 or 28.8 modem (56k didn’t hit until a few years later – weren’t we lucky??).
I started with just a simple text page with some backgrounds and then over time added more and more content. As the years progressed, my interest and time available to keep up the site has waxed and waned. I think the peak in terms of diversity of pages was in 1998 or so and it was in 1999 when I moved to clubjosh.com that content started dropping off the site (mostly as a necessity as upkeep became burdensome).
The advent of a “Daily Update” in 2000 pre-dated most blogs, but sadly I was never prolific enough to make it more than just a hobby. One thing that has remained constant: My Gorn Page, which started in 1995, still receives new pictures whenever I travel. I also still write a trip diary whenever I travel. For a time, the diaries were posted both on the Daily Update and Trip Diaries, but these days they are on the Trip Diaries only with a mention on the Daily Update.
From January 2014 – March 2015, I committed to an entry a day and with the exception of a week in October was successful. Its probably the most productive I have been in terms of creative output for the Daily Update. In April 2020, I embarked on a huge input of new content specifically for the Trip Diaries including adding photos and 5 new diaries with more to come.
The biggest challenge with this site is that my interest in it ebbs and flows. Sometimes (like leading up to the 25th anniversary) I am super focused and work on the site. Other times, weeks and months will go by without any new content.
What does the future hold? I don’t really know. The internet is a much different and scary place than it was back in 1995 when I started. I can see this site shrinking down to its origins with just the Gorn photos or expanding beyond my wildest dreams. It is my dream that Club Josh will outlive me, and I just hope that when it does, certain pages of the site won’t still be showing a last updated date back in the 1990’s!!
–Josh 6/29/2020
Current Sections of Club Josh
Index: Most Recent Daily Updates and Twitter Entries and Links to Sub Pages
The Gorn Page: World Travels of an Action Figure (a June 1995 original)
Trip Diaries: (Added March 3, 1998) – Trip Diaries from the Late ’90s to today as well as links to my travel photos. This site swallowed the separate Disneyland Paris site when I moved to the new server and still causes a bunch of 404 errors from sites that have not updated since the 1990’s. Today it is missing my Disney photos, and I still haven’t decided if I will bring them back or not.
Jarrepalooza: (added May 7, 1997) Small Corner of the site that contains my Jean Michel Jarre collection – originally a destination where fellow fans could see what I have and we could trade with each other. Now just a place that I keep my list of stuff so I can remember what I have.
Doingworld: (June 1995 original) A place holder site. Used to have a mapping project from College here, but now its a landing page for a series of fictional resorts that accidentally got picked up in the late 90s as an actual resort in Spain.
Club House: You can trace this back to the original “All About Josh” page that started in 1996, but this version launched in 2002 and not much was done with it until 2011. Used to link to old party photos and such.
What’s New Archive: All of the changes to the site dating back to 1995 for all the different versions (Mobile, Lite, PDA, Web)
Evolution: What the home page has looked like through the years. I only wish I still had the code for the older versions!!
External Sites with my content:
Weibo – In case I travel to China I can post here..
Archive Sections of Club Josh
Long gone, but not forgotten sections of the site
Movie Czar Reel Reviews: I used to write Movie Reviews and send them via email to my friends. I actually won awards for them.
Charo’s Party Pics: The forerunner of Charo.info, a small section that had photos from Cuchi-Cuchi Hawaiian Style
Friends and Family Photos: This section was the first to have my party photos in it and eventually led to the Club House after years of not being online. Now, most of these photos are not online, but a select few were revived on my Flickr site.
SeaGranite Video Archive: Back in the 1990s, I had my complete video collection listed with my notes for each movie. Seemed like a good idea at the time
Guestbook: Remember when web sites had Guestbooks??
Statistics: Remember when web sites had Hit Counters??
Resume: Remember when people just put their Resume online with all their contact information?
Cyber Surfin’ Safari: A list of web links when bookmarks where a thing.
I love new cars! It’s part of the reason I used to work for Edmunds.com, so here are pictures of the vehicles that I have driven.
1987 Toyota Corolla FX I wrote a blog about this car..
1996 Honda Accord LX
2000 Nissan Xterra SE 4×4
2002 Honda CR-V LX 2WD
2008 Honda CR-V LX 2WD
2012 Toyota Prius v Level 2
2000 BMW Z3
2018 Subaru Crosstrek
The views and opinions expressed on this web site are mine and do not necessarily represent or reflect those of The Walt Disney Company, Edmunds.com, or any other employer not specifically named here. Basically, this site is about Josh and Josh’s opinions and no one else. Any sites linked to do not count as an endorsement of any kind and should not be taken seriously under any circumstances.
Privacy Policy
We don’t store or track anything you do on this website. I do use Google Analytics and the Charo site does have some Amazon ads for Charo merchandise. Those sites have their own separate privacy policies and I recommend you read their own policies.