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2023 Southwest Annular Solar Eclipse

Daniel, his Mom, and I ventured to Flagstaff, AZ and the Lowell Observatory today (October 14) to see the 2023 Southwest Annular Solar Eclipse. We wanted to get more of the sun covered than we would normally get in Southern California, but we didn’t have the time to head all the way to New Mexico to see the zone of totality. Flagstaff was a good compromise with the observatory program as well as pretty good coverage. We had a great time despite the crowds and the long roundtrip drive for an overnight stay, but it was well worth it.

Around the observatory, monitors were set up showing the view from places with totality.
Josh, Alice, and Daniel watch the action of the eclipse from the Lowell Observatory grounds.
As the sun is eclipsed by the moon, the shadows begin to reflect the crescent sun as it passes through the trees.
Photo taken with my point and shoot camera through the special eclipse shades near the beginning of the eclipse.
Astronomy fans wander the grounds of the observatory checking out all of the different telescopes and exhibits before and after the eclipse.