Tuesday November 23, 1999
The day began early as I awoke at 6:00am to take Roger to work so he could go to the airport with me. I spent the bulk of the day packing and running last minute errands, including picking up American Coke and Taco Bell supplies for my friend Joe in Sweden who I was going to visit. At 3pm, I met Roger at his work and we headed off to the airport. Now, British Airways says be there two hours ahead of departure, so I figured making it to LAX from Beverly Hills before 3:30 would be a snap. An hour later we arrived at the airport and proceeded to check in at the desk. I was assigned a middle seat, but was able to get a seat on an aisle after a bit of negotiating. I said goodbye to Roger and headed through the security check-point, where they questioned my 24 AA batteries. I told her about the digital camera and she let me pass.
I did not sleep on the plane. It was a Boeing 747-400 with video screens in the seat backs, so I was able to select from 12 channels of entertainment and watched: An episode of the Saint with Roger Moore, A behind the scenes look at The World is Not Enough, Remington Steele, Absolutely Fabulous, Payback with Mel Gibson, Wild, Wild West the movie, Robbie Williams’ Millenium Video, and Sheryl Crowe’s Tomorrow Never Dies video (the last two about 3 times). When I looked up, we were ready to land in London.