Club Josh / Entertainment / Technology / Web Related

Amazon and Jack

I have completed a first crack at a newly redesigned Gorn page. I am not 100% satisfied with it, and will probably tweak it a bit more in the coming days. If (and that’s a big if folks) it goes up, it would be the first significant upgrade to the Gorn page since 1998.

Amazon has a new honor system where people can donate money to their favorite website. Somehow, I doubt Club Josh would earn enough for me to quit my day job.

Still no DSL. Last night, I sent a large-ish photo (approx. 300k) to work and it took forever. I hate being in the stone age. I feel like those monkeys on the Pac Bell DSL commercial.

Those folks at Jack In The Box are at it again. Jack has bought a new football team called the Carnivores and has set up a web site. The best part? The Meaty Cheesy Boys are going to perform at the halftime show. Look carefully at the roster of players. You will notice some great names and even the name of the technical contact on the whois record.