Disney / Friends

A Happy Day Disneyland

Yesterday was the 46th anniversary of Disneyland. To celebrate, I headed to the resort to apply for a job and to meet my friend Scott. The day got off to a bad start because I found out that the parks were not hiring for attractions. So I headed over to the park to hang out with Scott. We had a great time catching up and going around getting my commemorative guide stamped so I could get the free pins. Scott also had a backdoor pass so we could get on all the rides without waiting in line.

We managed to hop over to DCA to visit with Leo a bit and then went back to Great Moments with Mr. Lincoln to wait for Scott’s wife Debbie to show up. Just as we were waiting, I spotted Cynthia Harriss and Paul Pressler duck into the attraction. For those of you non-resort junkies, Cynthia is president of the entire Disneyland Resort and Paul is the former head of Disneyland and now currently in charge of all resorts. I quicky followed them into the attraction at a discreet distance. When the opportunity presented itself, I went up and introduced myself to her. I wished I had a camera and a Gorn.

So the topics of conversation we covered were: I applied for a job and there were no openings (She encouraged me to keep trying, I also mentione my desire for WWTBAM and she said they had some wonderful people try out and good luck with the tryout), The extra ‘S’ on the wall (The sign still says Walt Disney’s Offices when in fact there is only one office – she assured me that the other office was coming back from WDW but said thanks she didn’t think of that), her opinions of WDW (its large, its great to see how they do things, she likes our park better), backstage tours at Disneyland (She’s not sure if she wants to do it but they are thinking about it. She still believes in the magic and doesn’t want to spoil it, I commented how well the WDW version was run), and sharing the magic with children (I told her my Kameron/Super Star Limo story). She then asked my name again – including my last name and again encouraged me to keep trying.

The rest of the day was spent on cloud nine (and trying to convice Scott to give California Screamin’ a try). After some dinner it was time to head on home, but I was further inspired by Cynthia and I am most certainly going to SF on Friday to try out. I’ll keep you posted!