Celebrity / Movie Reviews

Amelie and Mandy Moore

I had a chance to see the movie Amelie. I must admit I had never heard of the movie until a few weeks ago when they started to run a barrage of ads on TV and Radio – presumably for the thousands of Oscar voters who will be voting in the coming months. I wish I was a member of the Academy so I could vote, but mainly so I can get into movies for free.

The movie was really good – much better than expected, and surprisingly as good as the ads made it out to be (must be a first somewhere). The story follows a Amelie who lives in the Montmarte section of Paris and her adventures in trying to improve people’s lives. Audrey Tautou is great as are all the actors. I especially liked the sequence with the lawn gnome who travels the world – reminds me of the Gorn.

Celebrity sighting of the week: A special double dose: Mandy Moore and Elijah Wood at Here in West Hollywood. They were having a good old time chatting together and with their friends.