Disney / Friends

Life is full of tough choices

This weekend is Roger’s birthday bash. We are celebrating with a group of friends down at the park and it coincides with the re-opening of the Haunted Mansion after its Holiday makeover. I had requested to get the days off way in advance to prepare for this festive event and am looking forward to it. “But Josh”, you say, “Where is the tough decision?”.

Today I was over at the main scheduling building turning in another cross training form and checking on the status of the part time conversion forms. I decided to put down Splash Mountain, Pirates, and yet again the Walt Disney Story as my three requested attractions. I mainly chose Splash because I heard they are training lots of people over there and also I know a few people that work it. As I am walking away, one of the schedulers calls after me and asks me if I am scheduled this weekend. I told her no, that I took the days off for a friend’s birthday. She then informs me that she has an opening to train on Splash Mountain on Friday-Saturday-Sunday. I almost collapse from excitement. Then of course, reality had the last laugh.

“What time is the Saturday shift?” I meekly ask. Sure enough it is 4pm to 1am – the time we are all supposed to be celebrating Roger’s birthday together. I tried to weasel them to change the time, but that was the only way it was going to work. So despite the temptation and the fact that it was a once in a blue moon opportunity, I had to pass. I just hope that the schedulers will be kind to me and how tough of a call it was to me and give me another crack at another attraction. As the old saying goes, “If it was meant to be it will happen”.