Family / Travel

Off to the Desert

I’m off for a few days to visit the family in Phoenix. I have hit them exactly right in the middle of a cooling trend. The highs are only in the upper 90’s. Earlier in the week, the temps were over 110. Wee. It’s my first trip out yonder in almost two years. It’s hard to believe, it feels like I was just there. I am looking forward to our road trip to Four Corners and Monument Valley. I hope the weather holds and we’ll be able to get some stunning photos.

One thing I am still not used to is the stack of documents that you need to have to travel these days. I had to print out a security certificate and I need like 10 forms of ID. Speaking of which…I’m LATE!!! Gotta run – I’ll try and update while I’m gone, If not, I’ll be back with a full report and photos on Tuesday.