
Having Fun With Ol’ Bill

Today I got a rare treat. Not only did my ride operator shift turn into a working lead shift, but towards the end of the shift there was an all-call on the radio that Henry was having me carry. They were evacuating Pirates and all available help was needed. So Henry and I trudged over to the ride and proceeded to lend a hand. I thought my duties were going to be limited to the last time I helped evac Pirates – directing people to the appropriate exit. No, No, this time I was in for more fun.

After walking all over the place and up a ladder, I ended up (somehow) in the scene where Ol’ Bill is. He’s the one with the cats and says “Here Kitty Kitty, how’s about a drink with Ol’ Bill”. Many of you loyal readers know that is one of my favorite Pirates lines to quote. So as we sort out what needs to be done, some lady has an asthma attack and several guests proceed to carry her out of the ride through the water. Then I volunteer to put on the hip waders and get into the water to help push the boats back to a point where we can safely unload the guests. I did my best to put them at ease, but I really was enjoying the hip waders and just the experience of it all. Some of the guests were plenty mad, but most were in good spirits and were glad that someone was there chatting with them and helping to push their boat out.

It certainly was a nice change of pace and it makes me want to learn Pirates more. Of course as I was in the middle of the water, the Pooh ride broke down – luckily just a station backup – but I had a feeling it was going to happen.