Disney / Home Life

57 hours or so

Finally a day off. It was rather nice I’ll say. I woke up early-ish because thats what my body has been doing over the last week. After talking on the phone with some friends, I promptly fell asleep at 1pm and didn’t get up until 8. Man did it ever feel so good.

Tomorrow is catch up on things around the house day. Some cleaning here and there, some grocery shopping, a run to Office Depot for some more supplies for my notebook at work.
One more week to go before life begins to return to normal. Part of me is looking forward to the break, but as with all rewarding projects, I am sure it is just a matter of time before I get chomping at the bit to do something like it again.

I was glad things went smoothly this weekend (ok save for one item), it is a nice feeling when three months of work survives relatively intact after the first big test.

The views and opinions expressed on this post are mine and do not necessarily represent or reflect those of The Walt Disney Company.