Club Josh / Technology / Travel

Disk Quota Exceeded

The time has finally come. I hit (and actually smashed through) my disk quota on the Club Josh server. As a result, I have been having e-mail issues for a bit. So a quick call to my hosting provider and they determined that a simple reduction of 5MB would get me back in the good graces. After a quick run through of the directory sizes, I decided to pull off the A-V Day photos. The whole directory was just around 6MB and since it was backed up already, was an easy choice.

This of course is a milestone. I have 600MB on my server and they are all full. Luckily, I have Flickr to post the Australia photos starting next week. I made up my mind to buy a new server space that would allow me greater control over my domains, but I decided to hold off until after I get back from my trip. With so much to do before I leave on Wednesday, I think its best not to get distracted.

Speaking of getting ready, I can’t recommend Flight 001 enough. It is a fantastic site and a cool store to boot. I decided to swing by the store on my way home from the shop and get a new toiletries bag to replace my 10 year old one (eww!). They had all kinds of cool bags and accessories. I nearly bought another shoulder bag, but I decided three is enough. Now I just need to figure out which one I will use.

Also as part of the pre-trip festivities, I purchased a new camcorder. My old Edmunds-gifted Sony has been dead since October 2001, and I figured a trip down under would be a worthy time to get one. I originally ordered a top of the line camera on the net, but all the places were either out of stock or unable to ship in time. So I decided on the low end Canon ZR500. It just came out at CES this year and is super lightweight and features the basic elements of all the ZR line just no ability to take still images. Personally, I would never want to do that since I have a good digital camera, so it was a good deal.

I need to do a baseline test of the audio to see what it will be like with a noisy background. I might need to resurrect the old Dome to Dome Twice microphone!