For the first time since the 50th Anniversary Spectacular started in May 2005, we finally have an off-season at the park. I never thought I would make it since it seemed that the people just kept coming and coming. Actually, this past summer was nice – I think because it was a normal summer. I look back on the first few summers I spent in Fantasyland thinking how busy it was, I had no idea what busy really was.
For the first time in my Disney career I do not have to worry about hours in the slow months of September and October. Being a lead and also working on the project I am pretty much set for hours. I am eagerly awaiting going full time to the project. I think my replacements are ready to take over and sometimes I just feel like I am in the way and they should be given the reins. I am there to help and guide them, but I think its time for them to soar. Then again, maybe I am just impatient and want to dive into the next thing.
One thing I would like to do sometime at Disney is their new Adventures by Disney program. It seems to be the perfect fit for what I decided five years ago when I left Edmunds – be a tour guide. I have commitments for the next year and if things go well I could be on my way to bigger and better things. I just hope when the time is right for me they are still around.
In the meantime things are slow at home as well. I did some baby viewing over the weekend in San Diego with Isabella, Sarah, and Ray. Dad and Dianne took great delight in taking photos of me holding the baby. I didn’t hold Kameron until he was 3 months old and it was a big difference holding a 2-week-old baby. It was also funny that Granny and Dianne were naturals with the child, having been through many themselves.
Hard to believe that one year ago I was in Hong Kong! David is there now and I hope he is enjoying the squid and the heat.
The views and opinions expressed on this post are mine and do not necessarily represent or reflect those of The Walt Disney Company.