Club Josh

10 Years Later

I really can not believe it has been 10 years since I started the Club Josh Daily Update! 15 years ago, I started my web site Club Josh and it just included a few static pages regarding things I enjoyed from Charo to movies. Eventually, in the last few years of the 90’s, weblogs started to sprout up. It wasn’t until late in 2000 (after the disappointing failure of the millennium bug to wipe everything out) that I decided to start an update of what was going on in my life, something that I would add content to on a daily basis.

Originally planned for just one year, a sort of “Year in the Life of Josh”, I decided in 2001 to keep going until I got tired of it. Over the years, there have been server issues and general malaise that have led to big gaps in me writing on the web site. Some of the best writing have been for my Trip Diaries, which were sort of a good way to add content to both the Daily Update and the TD sites at the same time. In the last few years, Facebook and Twitter have siphoned off my creativity and outlet for writing and updates have taken on more of a digest feel to them. I have never really liked that format, but it helped me recap what has been going on in my life and made me feel like I was keeping up with the site.

Another obstacle is the attitude towards social media from my employers has changed and become more formalized. In the beginning, I felt like I could write about whatever I wanted to and didn’t really worry about who saw it or what it said. Now, I notice I do a lot of self editing which can be good and bad at the same time. I try not to write about feelings towards work other than my excitement for new stuff or anxiety about the future etc. In the end, it has taught me that not everything is fit to print.

I am really happy that I have kept up the Daily Update for this long, as infrequent as it is. I really enjoy going on trips back in time to remember key things that has happened in the last 10 years. I wish I had kept a journal for the previous 10 years as well as it would be nice to remember things from that era the same way. In fact, it is that desire that has kept me motivated to keep going with the Daily Update for as long as I can type and remember things. Maybe this will be the year that I actually do it daily (haha), well at least more frequently. One thing that I would like to do is a redesign of the home page away from the current blog look and feel to be one that includes more content from Twitter and Flickr. Ultimately, I would like Club Josh to continue to be the center of all things Josh, but organized and accessed better. I have long maintained I need a full time job just to re-do this site!!

OK, enough rambling for now. Happy 10th Anniversary Daily Update and here is to more years to come!

PS – this is the 994th blog entry for the Club Josh Daily Update!! Holy cow!!