Earthquakes and Natural Disasters

Northridge: 20 Years Later

I first wrote this blog post about the Northridge Quake 13 years ago(!!!). It’s still a powerful memory of mine and I always remember the day it happened. Some great anniversary articles out there on the net so I thought I’d share a few links below:

Southern California Public Radio – has some great articles on the anniversary, especially this one that talks about the truck driver that was stranded on the overpass as well as checking in with the family of Clarence Wayne Dean.

In doing a search on Officer Dean, I found a New York Times obituary written back in 1994 that is simply beautiful. There is also a special page on the Officer Down web site.

Alan Taylor has done another amazing job in collecting the best photos of the quake from back in 1994 in today’s post on the In Focus blog. My favorite pictures are here and here, but they are all really good.

The USGS Historical Page for the quake

Finally, I love disasters and I know you do too. But are you prepared? The best thing about large quake anniversaries is that it reminds us to get supplies and be ready for the Big One, or the Mudslides, or the Fires, or whatever.. and are great starting points for information on what you need and what to do to prepare and survive the next disaster.