Entertainment / Movies General

Star Trek III: 30 Years Later

Today is the 30th anniversary of one of my favorite (and least popular) Star Trek movies – The Search for Spock. Directed by Leonard Nimoy back in 1984, The Search for Spock is the story of what happens when everyone gets home from the events in the Mutara Sector in Star Trek II. I remember seeing it in the theaters when it came out and was sad when it ended because that meant I’d have to wait another couple of years for the next adventure.

Over the years, I have really come to appreciate the movie for its relationship building between the characters. Everyone makes big sacrifices on the off chance they can do the right thing for their deceased friend. Looking at the trailer above, I can’t believe there is a HUGE spoiler in it. Of course, given the red herrings they did in Star Trek II, it shouldn’t really surprise me. TSFS is full of great moments (and I’ll be honest some not so great ones..) and I’ve embedded a few of my favorites below. My all-time favorite is Stealing the Enterprise – I have it on my iPhone for whenever I need to watch. The version below might be pan and scan (the aspect ratio seems off), but its the best I could find that still online.

This one below still gets to me….SPOILER ALERT

And the moment I knew everything was OK again..