Hope we are back soon. Be kind to others. Check in on those in need. Love Yourself….
Not going to lie, a complete shutdown of every Disney Resort in the world was not something I ever thought could happen. Even when the outbreak shut down China, Japan, and South Korea, I didn’t think it would erupt across the rest of the world. The Covid-19 has left so many people shellshocked and off guard.
I am self isolating starting tomorrow (well I was off today so actually today). Will venture out to get food and groceries etc., but I am going to miss seeing my co-workers and friends on something other than a video screen.
It reminds me of my time in China where I was away for 14 months. Even then, I was able to meet new friends along with some co-workers I already knew. This is similar but very very different. It has the same emotions as 9-11 – a certain crap I don’t know what’s going to happen next. I try to remain positive and will keep doing so as much as I can to stay in a good mental place. In the meantime, I will stay home and heck I might even work on this web site..