Monday November 30, 1999
Time to go. Joe and I headed over to the train station for our trip out to the airport. After a nice quick ride it was time to check in. I opted not to plastic wrap my luggage, but I still thought it was a cool idea. After stocking up for the plane at a gift shop, Joe and I said our goodbyes. The Copenhagen Airport strictly prohibits non-passengers from the gate area. So up onto the gangplank I went as Joe headed off to meet with Ludde to get his passport to go back to Lund. I headed to the music shop and picked up the CD of the A*Teens: The ABBA Generation and the prepared for the flight.
I managed to get some snoozing in on the quick flight to London, and after wandering through the shops and picking up Michael Palin’s Hemingway Adventures and a CAR magazine that features the BMW Z8, I boarded the flight to LAX. More snoozing on the flight (no cool video screens here) and opted to skip the movie.
Roger greeted me at the airport and we embarked on our hour drive to get home. nothing like returning to LA after Sweden. It was only in the 70’s but I was VERY warm. And the long lines at Customs didn’t help. Oh well I had another Grand Adventure – perhaps I should change these from Trip Diaries to Josh’s Grand Adventures. I do hope to get back to Europe soon..