In the wake of the Epinions fiasco yesterday, I have turned my attention towards the possibility of resurrecting Currently, it points to my Epinions site (meaning now it points nowhere – I’ll change that soon) but I think I will look at it again and see if I can do something. I sent out solicitations to my friends to write for the site, but alas no one had the time. Now is your chance, if you want to write some opinions (but not get paid) let me know and maybe will rise again.
Speaking of redesigns, Entertainment Weekly has redesigned their site with mixed results. the usability and navigation is improved, but they plunked a big flash unit in the middle of the page that I think does not add anything at all to the page. I think I give them a B-.
Yesterday’s grand opening of DCA proved to be a whimper. Everyone was scared away by the threat of big crowds, and the park was practically empty. I am sure this weekend that will all change. Maybe the execs will get worried that no one will show up and reopen Annual Passport upgrades.
It seems that I have finally caught Roger’s cold. I intend to take it easy this weekend and rest for Anti-Valentine’s Day next weekend.