Automotive / Disney

Why I drive a SUV

People often ask why I drive a SUV since I live in Los Angeles. The reason: when it rains more than a few minutes at the same time, the streets turn into mini-rivers. Most streets in the San Fernando Valley have poor drainage and some are concrete streets left over from the 1950’s when they were first built. Add a couple of inches of rain and viola: versions of the LA River right in your own backyard. Many Angelinos in small cars get swept away while the SUV drivers drive right through. Of course there are some SUV drivers who just plow through the water and drown people when they pass through flooded intersections, but that’s another story.

So the crowds at California Adventure have been small. Here’s hopin’ that they stay small and Disney gets panicked and lets the Annual Passholders upgrade their passes again.

Tomorrow is the sappiest day of the year. Just a reminder that my friends and me will be celebrating the anti-sappiest day of the year: Anti-Valentine’s Day this weekend.