Technology / Travel

Back to the 21st Century

Its been a busy week. Last weekend, it was off to San Diego for an impromptu visit. Thanks to Roger and Alex’s negotiating skills, they managed to score a 2 bedroom suite with a kitchen for a mere $139. It was in an older apartment building turned hotel that was actually very nice and located right next to Balboa Park. San Diego is a nice town, but I am not sure I would want to live there. I am not sure why though. I think if I did live there, I would learn to love it, but I think I am better acclimated to LA or Northern California.

I had a great interview with a really cool company on Tuesday. I won’t go into it much for fear of scaring them off, but it is for a company that I really like and have been a fan of for some time. I just hope all the positive vibes I have been sending them on a regular basis helps out.

I also went out and re-joined the 21st century and got a cell phone. It is a nice phone. I am not 100% happy with the reception at times, but so far it hasn’t been exceedingly bad. I still have another 21 days that I can return it if I am not completely satisfied. Sadly, it is not internet-ready either so I will not be able to access my web site or other cool mobile apps, but frankly the cost of the service was not worth it yet. Mobile sites seem to have cooled off with the web collapse of the last 18 months or so. Hopefully it will turn around this year.