Disney / Home Life / Travel

Career Path

I can finally report on what I have been anticipating at work. I applied for a program at the company called Emerging Leaders. Basically, it is a program designed to develop the next generation of leaders at the park by getting them enrolled in classes and preparing you to move up to the next level of management. I went into the process with zero expectations and a bit of hope that I would make it. As the interviews closed in, I let a bit of excitement of the prospects of doing something different get the best of me, so when the interview finally came, I was very nervous.

My initial reaction to my interview was mixed, I knew I was up against some tough, tough competition, even in my interview group (it was a group of 3 vs. 8 interviewers). I was initially supposed to have a 5-1 interview, but at the last minute, they wanted me to participate in a group. Initially, I wanted to blame the switch in the style of interview on my mixed feelings, but others insisted I did well. The only problem is the other two did much better. I think I would have had a better showing if I was with two weaker candidates. Needless to say, I didn’t get accepted to move to the next round.

Out of 28 or so people who applied only 5 moved to the next interview.
I told myself I wasn’t going to be disappointed, but I was. On the other hand, the same day I found out I was going to now get 5 lead shifts a week – something I have never really had since I became a lead last year. I think things happen for a reason, and the managers are giving me a chance to prove what I can do if I am focused on something, instead of going back and forth between locations.

My only concern is boredom. I have been on the Pooh ride now for a year and a half – almost a full year as a lead. At the beginning of the summer I was thankful that I got to learn the Mark Twain and the Columbia to give me something else to do. I always enjoyed working both – tho sometimes those 8 hour Twain shifts were a bit demanding to get through in the polyester. I will just need to make sure that I keep on top of things and keep a high profile so that when the next round happens next year I am the one to beat.

The good news is that now I have the fall free and am not committed to a program. I am in need of some refreshing and probably will take a trip back to a favorite destination of mine. I am really amazed at how cheap airfares are if you catch them at the right time. Last year, I wanted to start a tradition of going on vacation for my birthday as opposed to the opulent parties of the past. This year will be my first official birthday getaway. Now it is just a matter of picking a destination. One of the best things that Nathan does is with his friend Craig. Every year they go on a secret vacation (this year it was Ibiza). They take turns picking a destination and then the other person has no idea where they are going until they are on the plane. I would really like to find someone to do that with – it sounds exciting.