Club Josh


Today is my last day of my four day weekend and I had big plans to do laundry and to work on Club Josh. I have been frustrated because I cannot find my flash card reader. This is an essential piece to get the photos out of my digital camera and onto Club Josh. I think I might have to go and get a new one otherwise my photos from the Nemo Opening and Solvang will remain hidden forever.

In a quick survey of my site, I see that I am way behind on almost all of the pages. I will have to try and get some of it done later this week since my lack of flash drive has forced me to focus on housecleaning. I am glad I have a washer-dryer since it has allowed me to get a lot done. I do get overwhelmed sometimes by the cleaning in my apartment and despite me trying to keep on top of it, it always seems out of control. I can only imagine what people with lots of extra rooms must go through.

Oh and no Trek convention this year – Tiffany can’t get away. I still would like to take a quick four day out of town trip soon before the big one. I still cannot believe how much airfare has gone up to Europe!