It seems I hardly knew you 2007. I can really say that this year was dominated by three events and that is about it. One was all consuming, one snowballed out of control, and the other is just an amazing surreal thing that I am still trying to put my mind around it.
First up: Nemo!
Never in my life have I worked so hard and been so proud of something I have brought to life. I was so lucky to be part of something that the likes of which will not be seen again in a long time. I was featured in an Annual Passholder newsletter and took home a bunch of swag. It even got me tickets to the World Premiere of Pirates 3. I made connections and friends that I hope will last a long time. When Nemo finally opened I was worried that I would fall back into routinesville, but luckily every day has brought out something interesting and challenging for me to deal with and I think I have learned a lot and grown as a person because of it.
This trip was simply amazing. Amazing in its length. Amazing in its price! Despite visiting some new places and old favorites, this really was a great trip that I enjoyed immensely. Three whole weeks off and in Europe comes at a price, but it was well worth it. All the stories and the crazy things that happened – trying to find the hotel in Edinburgh, experiencing Disneyland Paris from an insider point of view, listening to Sara Cox on BBC 1, driving my beloved B150, and most of all having a great time with Daniel. I think we have never spent so much time together without getting on each other’s nerves and it is a testament to our friendship.
After a year of waiting, my connection with David finally paid off as we we pressed into service by Charo to promote her show in Laughlin. It all culminated in what I think is the beginning of a great relationship. I hope we can continue to stay in touch and help her out whenever she needs us.
And how about 2008? So far it is promising to be a good year from what has been set up in the last few weeks of 2007. The only downside? All that cigarette smoke in Laughlin has caused me to get sick. I hate being sick to start a new year, but hopefully I will recover soon enough and get back in the swing of things. In the meantime thank goodness for Emergen-C and Echinacea!