Club Josh

Fresh Start

In my laziness regarding my web site, apparently I missed the boat when it came to my server. I have not had any issues regarding my site since I migrated it back in 2006 to my current host. In the past 5 years, the server company has gone through many changes, and unbeknownst to me, they started offering faster, more reliable servers for users with no additional cost. They only requirement is that you have to do all the legwork in migrating the content to the new server. Once it is all up and running, you can blow away the old one.

Despite the moving 5 times in 16 years, the site still is not as neat and organized as I would like it. There are still some legacy parts – the worst offender being the Trip Diaries section. As many of you know, it has been the bane of my existence over the last 10 years as I have struggled to get the time to completely re-do the site. I have made progress on the redesign, but I have stopped as I am thinking of re-doing the whole concept.

I am going to try and set up WordPress and migrate the site from Movable Type. Don’t get me wrong, I love MT, but it just does not have the templates and themes that WP offers. Part of this new server migration will allow me to start fresh – either just with the Trip Diaries section, or putting the whole site into it.

There is some confusion on my part if I can run several different “blogs” (Gorn, Diaries, Daily Update) with the same install and have different themes for each. I’m thinking that there will be a master “Club Josh” look and feel to most of the site, and then the Gorn and Diaries will become sub-sites with their own look and feel.

The goal is to make my site into something that is easily updated and not saddled by what has been done in the past. That’s the goal at least, and with my vacation to Florida and Arizona coming up, my goal would be to get something up and running by the 11th anniversary of the Daily Update in October. Then, who knows, maybe WP will allow me to have a new mobile site that has everything as opposed to just select content!

Stay tuned..